Ceri Evans, Surveying the View (PEOPLE WILDERNESS 2023)

In August last year I took my first visit back home to Wales for four years. While I was there, I decided to challenge myself to climb Snowdon, (Yr Wyddfa in Welsh.) which is the highest peak in England and Wales. The morning of the day I planned to make the ascent was wet and gloomy, but by lunchtime it had cleared up, however, there were thunderstorms predicted for that afternoon. I decided to go ahead anyway and was so glad I did; the weather held right up until the moment I got back to the carpark and took my hiking boots off, perfect timing! The changeable weather and gathering storm clouds made for some fantastic moody skies and dramatic lighting. I took the PYG track up the mountain as the research I had done said it was the most picturesque - it didn't disappoint. This couple was surveying the view from not quite the top of Snowdon. I'm not someone who usually includes people in my pictures, however these two really gave a sense of scale to the image and so they got to stay!

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