• The Waugal is the official symbol of the Bibbulmun Track
    The Waugal is the official symbol of the Bibbulmun Track

Bushwalkers in southern Western Australia are worried.

As more areas in that region are flagged for future mining activity, they say some of the state's best trails will be affected if more isn't done to protect them.

As the ABC reports, planned expansion of certain mining areas will have significant environmental impacts including hiking and biking trails.

Sections of the Bibbulmun Track are within a proposed expansion area, suggesting increased visual and noise impacts are inevitable, and a future track re-alignment would become necessary.

The Environmental Protection Agency is currently reviewing the plan and the company's current and future operations south of Perth, including their impact on trails.

An Alcoa spokesman said it was committed to keeping operations away from the Bibbulmun Track and would work to protect important heritage sites like the Balmoral prisoner of war camp.

Read the full story here.

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