• Kokoda Trail sign. David Maunsell/Unsplash
    Kokoda Trail sign. David Maunsell/Unsplash

It seems there’s trouble on the famed Kokoda Track in PNG.

The Kokoda Track Authority has announced the closure of the track after landowners at Nauro village - one of the sections of the famed track - set up a blockade, citing concerns over alleged unpaid royalties.

Traditional owners at Nauro village covered themselves in clay and used logs to construct a barrier, claiming they're owed over $15 million in unpaid compensation under a deal struck in 2010.

A group of 64 walkers, including 52 Australians, were left stranded on Monday due to the protest but have since been able to move on.

Mick O’Malley, owner and trek leader of Australian Kokoda Tours, told Guardian Australia those on the track had safe passage to walk around the blockade.

But walkers not yet on the trail will be told to “turn around and go back”, he said, until negotiations with the government are finalised.

The PNG commissioner of police, David Manning, said police were satisfied there had been no threat to the welfare of the hikers but investigations were continuing.

The Australian government updated its travel advice for PNG on Monday to warn landowner blockades may disrupt treks, advising travellers to check with their trekking company for the latest information.

“The Kokoda Track is closed while local authorities negotiate with landowners to remove blockades on the Kokoda Track. The blockades and closure are disrupting current and planned treks. Check with your trekking company for the latest information,” qoutes the website.

If you have a booking to walk Kokoda in the coming months it’s important you check with the tour company you are travelling with.

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