• Dec-Jan 2024 cover
    Dec-Jan 2024 cover

The Dec-Jan issue has gone out to subscribers and into newsagents - the theme of the issue is 'Walks to do in '24'.

We show you the best Aussie walks to put on your radar for next year including the Southern Ocean Walk, Tassie's Central Highlands and Karijini NP, which Great Walks explored in August.

This trip included swimming with whalesharks in Ningaloo Reef: "Quickly catching up with the whale shark, I stared in awe at the sheer size (5-6 metres!) and magnificence of this marine creature.," wrote editor Brent McKean.

"I had to remember to breathe through the snorkel, stay calm and appreciate this very special moment. I swam with this one for a good 10 minutes and we saw three whale sharks that day, plus we had a few reef dives to spot reef sharks, turtles, a hundred other types of fish plus colourful, living coral. What a day!"

Overseas walks featured in the Dec-Jan issue include France's Le Puy Camino and America's John Muir Trail, which was no walk in the park!

"As the days passed I got accustomed to the solitude and enjoyed the freedom to walk at my own pace," writes Dan Slater.

"Over 12-14 hours I’d cover anywhere between 18-28km, depending on the terrain, plus I was my own boss when it came to unusually dangerous river crossings. My favourite method was the snow bridge (straightforward, but with potential for catastrophic collapse), followed by the fallen tree (the wider the better), whereas fording was usually a last resort. Soon after a dawn start with dry shoes and socks wasn’t a pleasurable time to splash straight through an icy-cold river..."

We also feature our biggest How-To section and review some of the best waling poles on the market.

The Dec-Jan issue is out next week. Not a subscriber? Click here and never miss an issue!

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