• View from a rescue helicopter. Jakob Owens/Unsplash
    View from a rescue helicopter. Jakob Owens/Unsplash

Well here's a story that could have had a tragic outcome. 

A bushwalker who was washed into the ocean after taking a wrong turn on a popular coastal walk says he felt like “an idiot” for being “too stubborn to turn back”.

Daniel Hart, 27, was lucky to walk away with only minor injuries after spending the night sheltering on a rock ledge 20m below Eagle Rock, along the popular Coast Track in Royal National Park, 50km south of Sydney NSW.

In a dramatic rescue almost 22 hours after he was thrown into the ocean, Hart was winched to safety by a helicopter about 2pm on Sunday afternoon.

Hart told Nine News he spent “about three hours climbing along the rocks” before a “massive wave came and changed everything”.

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