Ben Boyd NP renamed Beowa NP

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If you're heading to the NSW south coast prepare for a change in some signage.

Ben Boyd National Park, near Eden southern NSW, will now be called Beowa National Park amid a state government plan to transfer land titles of all national parks to Aboriginal owners.

The change came after a year of consultations with more than 60 representatives from Indigenous and South Sea Islander communities.

The park was named Beowa in honour of the orca or killer whale at a ceremony attended by NSW Environment Minister James Griffin.

History experts say Scottish colonist Benjamin Boyd used Aboriginal, Māori and Pacific Islanders in his economic ventures and fell foul of the colonial government of NSW when he brought more Pacific Islanders to Eden, through a practice known as blackbirding.

"A national park is a place that holds and preserves Aboriginal cultural heritage, and we didn't think it was right that someone that was so devious and so cruel should be given the honour of a national park named after them," Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council Chairman BJ Cruse said in a press statement.

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