How to... apply first aid

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Knowing basic first aid skills can save lives whether indoors or outdoors.

Make sure you know the 'Doctors ABCD' set of rules. The what? D.R.S.A.B.C.D

D - Danger: Ensure that the patient and everyone in the area is safe. Do not put yourself or others at risk. Remove the danger or the patient.

R - Response: Look for a response from the patient — loudly ask their name or squeeze their shoulder.

S - Send for help: If there is no response, phone triple zero (000) or ask another person to call. Do not leave the patient.A -


  • Check their mouth and throat are clear.
  • If there is foreign material, roll the patient on their side and clear their airway.
  • If there is no foreign material, leave them in the position you found them in. Gently tilt their head back and lift their chin to clear their airway.

B - Breathing:

  • Check if the person is breathing abnormally or not breathing at all after 10 seconds.
  • If they are breathing normally, place them in the recovery position and stay with them.
  • If they are not breathing normally, call an ambulance and start CPR.

C - CPR: Start CPR: 30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths. Continue CPR until the patient starts breathing or until help arrives.(For more info on that click here)

D - Defibrillation: As soon as possible, attach an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the patient. Follow the voice prompts. Do not leave the patient alone to fetch the defibrillator — let someone else bring it.

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