• Walking pole. NEOM on Unsplash
    Walking pole. NEOM on Unsplash

Di Westaway's top tips reveal her thoughts on surmounting challenges and paths to health and happiness.

Most walkers know you don’t need a box gap, eyelash extensions or a face lift to feel fab. And you don’t need to look like a swimsuit model to be healthy. You just need to get outside, in the mountains or on the trail, to feel better.

Despite knowing there are plenty of reasons to live healthy, most people still struggle with motivation because they think it’s too hard. And yes, being healthy requires effort, time and sometimes delayed gratification or even discomfort. But it’s worth it. And with a few tricks, you can turn what once seemed hard into a hilarious adventure!

Statistics show that up to 70% of us will die from lifestyle related diseases, so even walkers need to look after themselves daily. Weekend walking isn’t enough. It’s tough to prioritise your own health when you’re a working parent but we all need to wake-up and walk! The World Health Organisation says we’re amid a global health crisis and we need action.

The surprising thing is that health-care is simple when you know how. Firstly, you need to take responsibility for your health. And then you need to eat less and move more. It’s simple but can be hard to get started. You need to ditch the ‘parent-guilt’, put your own oxygen mask on first and put your wellbeing at the TOP of the list no matter what. Then you’ll be able to support others to health and happiness too.

I’ve helped thousands of people discover that hiking creates well beings. And once they start they realise it’s fun fitness in nature. Also maintaining this new habit is easier with a few strategies. The secret is to re-integrate movement into life. So, here’s my top tips for feeling fabulous:

1. Prioritise YOU: Your health is the most important thing for all those you love, so put it first with daily practices.

2. Integrate: Walk and talk, shuffle to the shops, skip with kids, ride to work, squat in the shower, stretch at your desk, wrestle on the bed and climb stairs, trees, fences and cupboards.

3. Move and think simultaneously: Cook with kids, walk and meditate, trek with friends, stretch during the adds, yin and yak.

4. Obstacles to opportunities: Use stairs to puff, stretch in a queue, bike to work, vacuum for a killer core and get off two stations early and walk everywhere.

5. Build your well being web: Seek out healthy buddies and tribes, help others get moving and they will help you.

6. Ditch Parent Guilt: A happy mum is much more fun; a happy dad makes the kids glad! So, invest in your self-care health-care.

7. Do Rituals of Joy Daily: Every day is a new opportunity to get your medicine: Love | Move |

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